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Design and installation of composite tanks treating domestic and industrial wastewater .

    Environmental pollution is the worry of the whole world because of its serious impact on human health; In particular, wastewater treatment is a top concern. In Vietnam, environmental management agencies are also trying to strictly control the environmental treatment problem of businesses, business households and private discharge. Joining hands with the country to protect the color of our children, we have constantly researched and developed technology to optimize our customers. 



    That application must include composite tanks for wastewater treatment because of its unique advantages:

    – Compact construction at the site (by pre-installation design we have reduced the time of construction and construction at the project)

    – High mobility (Can move to install other places when customers move location).

    – Resistant to corrosive chemicals

    – High mechanical strength

    – Compact design, reducing space

    – Easy maintenance and maintenance

Wrap composite tank by machine at factory

    Currently on the market there are many companies producing composite tanks but to apply the application for wastewater treatment is not well understood in technology. Over the years of experience, we have selected and combined with a reputable Composite factory, high quality products. For each project through actual survey, we will design and plan suitable to the actual area.



    Special designs of composite tanks (FRPs) with specific material structures will be suitable for each standard of domestic wastewater treatment, and industrial wastewater treatment. Vinylester material is resistant to corrosion from chemicals for sewage treatment and sewage environment along with fiberglass texture, made in Japan, easy-absorbing fiber, and high quality to increase durability. materials, thereby increasing the life of the tank, ensuring the operating system does not leak, affecting other equipment of the system.

    The composite sewage treatment system can be a system of interconnected tanks with external hardened steel ribs (FRP). The fittings of the wastewater treatment composite  tank   are manufactured according to Japanese standards (JIS), such as composite sealing faces, composite waiting pipes, FRP shrinkage, using 100% vinylester chemical-free anti-corrosive plastic. air bubbles. 



    Types Composite Tank wastewater treatment by our designers:

       – Composite wastewater treatment tanks with round shape

       –  Composite tanks for treatment of conical  waste water

       – Composite tanks for central wastewater treatment

       –  Composite tanks treat waste water as ion exchange tank

       –  Composite tanks treating waste water in settling tanks

       – Composite tanks treating waste water in box shape …

Composite tubs


    One of the outstanding applications of Composite tanks is to use domestic wastewater treatment – treating hotel and hotel wastewater and improving the wastewater treatment system . In which, a waste water treatment tank of composite water consists of compartments with the following treatment functions: 

    1.Avoid gas shortage 

    Reduction of nitrogen and part of organic matter. At the bottom of the anoxic compartment, there is a distribution system of raw gas or a stirrer to prevent biological sludge from settling to the bottom of the tank and increasing the uniformity of the waste water.  

    2.Airobic aerobics 

    Organic matter, nutrients and other pollutants in wastewater will be converted into CO¬2, H2O, NO3-, N2 ,. and biomass. At the bottom of the tank, there is a fine gas distribution system to supply oxygen for the treatment process and at the same time mix the activated sludge and the pollutants in the wastewater.

    In the anaerobic and aerobic compartment there are micro-buffers to increase the density of activated sludge in the treatment tank thereby reducing the processing time leading to the reduction of the volume of the building.


    The dregs swept away with the water flowing from the aerobic compartment will be separated from the water stream here. In the deposition compartment there is a sludge circulation path to the anoxic tank in order to remove nitrogen present in the wastewater and to maintain the activated sludge density in the treatment tank and the way to remove the residual sludge generated from biological treatment process.


    Pathogenic microorganisms will be killed by disinfectant chemicals such as NaOCl, … injected here or released into this compartment in the form of tablets.

Daily-life wastewater after going through a composite tank treatment system will meet the permissible requirements according to QCVN 14-2008 / BTNMT. 

    5.Septain containment


    Residual sludge from biological treatment is pumped to the sludge compartment. The clear water that separates from the mud will flow back to prevent anoxic gas to be treated, and the mud will be saved for some time. Here the biomass in the mud will decompose and reduce its mass. About 2-3 months of sludge will be carried away for treatment.

Equipment in composite wastewater treatment tanks includes air blowers, sewage pumps, mud pumps, electric buoys and control cabinets.    

    For industrial wastewater treatment, customers can refer to the best industrial wastewater treatment methods today:

    A / Mechanical treatment method:

    This method is usually the preliminary stage, rarely the end stage of the production wastewater treatment process. This method we often use to remove insoluble impurities (also called mechanical impurities) in water. These impurities may be inorganic or organic form. The commonly used mechanical methods are:

    1. Waste water treatment using trash rack or trash net

    – Remove all impurities that may cause problems during the operation of the wastewater treatment system. In Urban wastewater treatment, people use screens to filter water and crush small objects to be trapped, while in industrial wastewater treatment, people put more screens.

    2. Air-conditioning tank

    Used to maintain the stability of the waste stream, overcome operational problems caused by fluctuations in the flow of wastewater and improve the efficiency of the processes at the end of the water treatment line. Increasing the efficiency of the biological system because it limits the overload of the system in terms of flow as well as the content of organic substances, reducing the area for building biological tanks (due to more accurate calculations) . Furthermore, biological process inhibitors will be diluted or neutralized to an appropriate level for microbiological activity.

Composite tanks treating domestic wastewater

    The quality of treated waste water and the concentration of sludge in the bottom of secondary settling tanks are improved due to the stable solid loading.

    The surface area required for the water purification system is reduced and the filtration efficiency is improved, the cleaning cycle surface of the filtration equipment is also more stable.  

    3. Sand sedimentation tank

    In wastewater treatment, the sedimentation process is used to remove impurities in the raw suspension form from the wastewater. By function, the settling tanks are classified into: sand settling tanks, primary settling tanks, secondary settling tanks. 

    Primary sedimentation tank: place in advance biological treatment facilities for storing organic substances insoluble in wastewater before putting waste water into biological treatment tanks and removing solids capable of settling (billion The density is greater than the density of water) and the floating matter (the density is smaller than the density of water). If designed correctly primary settling tanks can remove 50 -70% of suspended solids, 25 – 40% BOD of wastewater.

    Secondary settling tanks: placed after biological treatment facilities.



    4. Filter

    It is used to separate dispersed particles of small size from sewage that sedimentation tanks cannot remove, which is the process of separating solid particles from liquid or gas phase by flow of gas or liquid containing The solid particles flow through the porous compartment layer, the solid particles will be retained. Filtering may occur under the effect of hydrostatic pressure of a liquid column or high pressure before a partition or low pressure behind a partition. 

    5. Coagulation and flocculation

    The sedimentation process can only separate suspended solid particles but cannot separate the colloidal and soluble contaminants because they are too small solid particles. Then, to separate these solid particles, the size should be increased on the basis of which will increase the settling velocity by performing coagulation and colloidal. Coagulation is the process of neutralizing electrodes. Coagulation is the process of creating cotton or forming large particles from small particles

    B / Chemical and physical methods

    This is the method used to recover precious substances, eliminate toxins or substances that have a negative effect on the later stages of biochemical cleaning. The common physical and chemical methods are: oxidation, neutralization, flocculation (coagulation), flotation, dializ (semi-permeable films) … Usually coupled with neutralization is accompanied by flocculation and Many other physical phenomena.

    C / Biochemical method:

    This method usually removes small dispersants, colloids and dissolved organic (sometimes inorganic) from the wastewater. This method relies on the viability of microorganisms. They use organic matter in wastewater as a source of nutrients such as carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium … In the process of nutrition, microorganisms will receive substances to build cells and generate energy, so biomass. its increased. 


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