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The hospital waste treatment technology AAO combines MBR membrane,

Through the introductory articles on the MBR membrane, the introduction of membrane specifications, we now introduce MBR combined AAO waste water treatment technology.
MBR membrane technology is a classic in waste water treatment today, with the advantage of saving space, automatic operation, high efficiency.
MBR membrane for waste water treatment
Waste water treatment MBR
Composition of hospital wastewater:
Wastewater in clinics consists of 3 types:
  • Domestic wastewater  of patients, relatives, employees, wastewater in the canteen, this component accounts for 65-80%.
  • Treatment wastewater  : blood, blood, E. coli, chemicals used for testing, sterilization, cleansing, vaccines, coliform, salmonella, Shigella and Vibrio cholera, suspended solids, cadmium, lead, cadmium, zinc, phenols, organic substances, animal and vegetable grease, chemical waste, chemical solvents, and especially antibiotic residues;
Chemicals in the diagnosis and treatment of disorders in hospital wastewater.
  • Sewage cleaning and disinfection.
Diagram  of hospital wastewater treatment technology

hospital wastewater treatment technology
Demonstration of hospital wastewater treatment technology
 About AAO Technologies AAO
Technologies  stands for Anaerobic – Anoxic – Oxic phrases.  The AAO  technology of continuous bioremediation technology uses a variety of microorganisms. Rapid reduction of pollutant concentration in wastewater. save area. In that Anaerobic tank is the gas tank, Anoxic tank is the gas, Oxic tank is aerobic tank.
 Demonstration of technology.
Hospital wastewater with many other sources of waste after treatment will be directed to the air conditioning tank  .
1. Air Conditioning Basin
With the function of regulating the flow of wastewater during the day, and regulating different concentrations of waste from the sources, the hospital wastewater treatment system has a stable level, helping the microorganism to grow and play. well done.
2. Anaerobic Pool.
The wastewater is stabilized in the conditioned tank which is regulated into the hospital wastewater treatment system by pumping sewage, pumping waste water into the Anaerobic tank.
At the Anaerobic aquarium with the development of anaerobic microorganisms such as:
  • Group: Aquatic bacteria: Hydrolytic bacteria
  • Group: Fermentative acidogenic bacteria
  • Group: Acetic bacteria
  • Group: methane bacteria – Methanogens
These types of microorganisms will help to decompose indigestible, degradable and destructive substances such as: Cellulose, Starch, Kiwi, Pectin, Protein, Lipid and some other long-lasting stable ingredients. hospital wastewater treatment.
In addition, the anaerobic microorganisms in the hospital wastewater treatment also deodorize foul, inhibit the bacteria smell stench. Effective microbial counts on biological membranes improve efficiency in wastewater treatment systems, reducing COD, BOD5. TSS … Total microorganism> = 10 ^ 9 Cfu / g Enzymes.
3. Anoxic Tank in AAO Technology.
Hospital wastewater after treatment of persistent organic pollutants in the anaerobic tank will be transferred to the anaerobic tank for subsequent treatment. In an anaerobic tank, with a variety of specialized microorganisms dedicated to hospital wastewater treatment, the nitrogen content in the water will help to metabolize energy and form new cells.
Nitrogen (Nitrogen Ammonium) content in wastewater mixed into high concentrations causes a loss of nutrient balance (BOD / N / P) and toxicity or inhibitory to microorganisms in the system. hospital wastewater treatment. Thus oxidation of NH4 -> NO3 and denitrification of NO3 -> N2 is indispensable to select the above mentioned technology.
Total denitrification through anoxic, where NO3 is converted to N2 in the absence of oxygen or with low density. This is a mandatory process for reducing Nitrogen in the hospital wastewater treatment technology.
4. Aerotank Tank in AAO Technology.
The pH-balanced chemical is injected into the regulating tank, which helps the hospital wastewater to be kept stable at pH levels within the microbial growth system thanks to the probe system, pH sensor and dosing pump.
In the Aerotank, hospital wastewater is disturbed by aerobic microorganisms through an air supply system. This process facilitates the growth and development of aerobic microorganisms. During the exposure, aerobic microorganisms collect pollutants in waste water (CODs, BODs, nitrogen, phosphorus, heavy metals, etc.) as feeds, increase biomass and muddy cotton
Here it is under the influence of aerobic organisms, and the gas distribution system in the tank of COD, BOD is effectively treated 92 – 98% increase the water dissolved oxygen (DO). The level of DO in the Aerotank tank is always 1.5 – 2 mg / l.
 5. MBR bath.
Thanks to the use of MBR technology   in hospital wastewater treatment, sediment, microorganisms and microorganisms are retained in MBR tanks, which can be used to treat wastewater. the next passage or discharge / reuse immediately.
Compare MBR technology with traditional technology
                        Compare MBR technology with traditional technology
Hospital wastewater after passing the MBR membrane system (qualified for hospital waste treatment according to QCVN 28: 2010 / BTNMT) is discharged into the intermediate tank, from which the pump is pumped out.
Hospital wastewater treatment using  AAO technology  combined with  MBR membrane  is an advanced technology which has been applied in Vietnam, Japan, Korea and Germany, showing the level of adaptation and meeting the demand in Every environment on weather, space, economics …
The hospital wastewater treatment system of Viet Water Company has the following advantages:
Simple operation
Low consumption of chemicals
The initial investment cost is reasonable
Easy to maintain
Use the right equipment for high quality
Automate the process of operation
Safe and environmentally friendly
High system flexibility, which can increase power or change power when needed
Use available microorganisms in wastewater to treat pollutants


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